The first Women Hackathon for the new academic year was conducted at College Of Engineering , Munnar on 19,20 and 21 of August,2016. The partcipants were around 16, second and final year girl students, from the college spanning different departments like Computer Science , Electronics and Communication and Electrical Engineering.

The workshop started on 19 th with an introductory session on free software. The idea of freedom in software as a form of knowledge was discussed in an interactive manner. The students were familiarized with the various freedoms users get to enjoy with a free software and the concept of copyleft.An initial skeptical audience soon found it comfortable with the software freedom as a way of sharing and multiplying the knowledge. After a break for lunch, a game was conducted to challenge students in building opinion on an idea independently, expressing the opinion and changing them if needed. A session on GNU/Linux followed, with a step-by- step procedure to install a Linux based operating system (Debian).